Breakaway Couples Session | White Salmon Couples Photography

I have been in love with couples photography lately and am working on moving my business in that direction. Whenever I get a family session, I like to breakaway for a mini couples session. Sometimes these sessions turn out to be another session entirely, which this couples loving photography lady doesn't mind at all. If my heart is happy taking the pictures, I'll let the taking continue into a White Salmon couples photography session.

White Salmon Couples Photography

I was beyond excited when this family session that I posted about in a previous blog, turned into a White Salmon couples photography session. Now I have to admit that it took me a few minutes to switch from family photographer mode to couples photographer mode. Once I got there, we had a blast. Instead of chatting about kids and focusing all my attention on them, I was able to dig around and get to know them as a couple. These two celebrated their 10 year anniversary just days before our session which made it a little more memorable for them. They recounted a few things from over the years as we bonded over our mutual wedding year celebration.I am quickly becoming all about these anniversary sessions and celebrating life as a couple without their children. Without the love of the couple and the effort they put into their relationship and family each year, there would be no family. I am loving doing couples sessions for those that have kids without their families around. It's fantastic to grab a family photographer every year or so, but what about a couples photographer? I honestly believe that couples should spend more time focusing on themselves and giving their love a spotlight. You may think that I'm a little biased in saying all this, but my husband and I love sessions without our kid.Do yourself a favor and book a couples session without your kiddos. Focus on the love that started it all. You don't need to do one every year, but how fun it is to see the changes throughout the years. Think about making it an every other year or so tradition. What could it hurt?


Hyalite Couples Session | Bozeman Anniversary Photographer


Sunrise Hike | Bozeman Anniversary Photography