Sunrise Hike | Bozeman Anniversary Photography

When it's June and you want to have good light for a Bozeman anniversary photography session, what do you do? You wake up at 4:30 put on whatever clothes you can find, forgo the coffee (I know I know, I was staying at someone else's house and didn't want to wake anyone), and wait too long to start the car. I have been so used to the Oregon morning temperatures that I forgot that you can still get a frost in Montana in June. As I sat in the car freezing and thinking about coffee, I could see the first light of the day starting to trickle in. I knew the light was going to be wonderful and I just couldn't wait to scamper up the mountain away from the rest of the world.

Bozeman Anniversary Photography


I drove towards the trailhead taking in the surrounding beauty that was beginning to show through the light. I was beyond excited to meet my couple and spend sometime getting to know them while we hiked along the trail. This is a great reason to pick some place that you have to either carpool together or spend some time walking before the session begins. I just love talking with my couples and getting to know them. Making these connections is the reason that I do and love doing what I do.The light ended up being perfect. Their dogs ran around in the background making for some unique and fun photos, and I even got her hubby to smile a time or two. The morning was a tad chilly, but the views and company made it all worth it. Hiking to the top of the Drinking Horse trail also made me happy, because I got to hike in my old stomping grounds. I loved it and it was the perfect way to start my busy weekend and you can't beat these views. Book Me


Breakaway Couples Session | White Salmon Couples Photography


A Plain Session | Montana Anniversary Photography