First Anniversary Session | Snowy Love

By now, you all know how much I love anniversary sessions and focusing on your love for each other. But, a first anniversary session is sometimes a little bit more fun. When couples have been together for just one year and have been trying to figure out this new life together. Their firsts together as married couples are still so fresh. It makes for some fun prompts and questions. I love getting my couples to think about each other and their lives together. My sessions are more than just running around a field. I really want the time we take to focus on the two of you.

First Anniversary Session

We had decided that we wanted to find some snow, so we piled into a car together and drove toward the mountain. Toward Mt. Hood that is. We hadn't gotten much snow at the lower elevations yet even though it was already January. NO SNOW! Come on winter! We were getting close to where the road was about to close and there was still barely any snow. The road climbed a little bit more and finally there was enough snow to cover the ground. Good enough for us! We were just glad that our attempt to get in the snow didn't fail for this first anniversary session. It was snowy on their wedding day the year before, so finding snow seemed like the perfect way to remember their day.

Here is a brief little tidbit from Hannah about her and John. I love sharing these with you all to connect you with my couple a little more. Enjoy!

John & Hannah by Hannah

The first thing that John learned about Hannah before they even got to know one another was that he would marry her. He responded as any self-respecting man would: running in the complete opposite direction. But God knew better and eventually they both yielded to the exciting truth: he planned on them facing life together. Now a year into marriage they are both surprised by how fun and really, how amazing it is! Yes, there have been some incredibly hard obstacles in the last year and there will be many more but through grace and standing together they are ready to face whatever comes hand in hand.


The Big Move | Helena Montana


Bridal Session | Columbia Gorge River