Anniversary Photographer | A Session with my Parents

I know I talk about this all the time, but I can't help myself. I love my couples and I really think it is important to document throughout your life together. Not only at the beginning of your relationship and marriage, but all throughout. Then we move on to always getting so many pictures of the kids and almost forget to capture us as a couple. That's why I love being a couples and anniversary photographer.Needless to say, when I got a message from my dad requesting to do a session, I was beyond thrilled. I had mentioned it a time or two to them in the past, but it never seemed to thrill them. It might have been their new puppy addition or they read my post on why I thought it was important to keep taking pictures, but the change happened. I jumped on getting that session scheduled and making it happen as soon as possible.

Anniversary Photographer

Since it was my parents and they live 6 blocks up the hill from me, we played the day by ear. The rain was coming and going all day, so we weren't sure when to get out there. The rain settled down for a little while and we jumped in the car. My parents took me to a spot across the river from The Dalles that I have always just driven past. It was a beautiful and perfect location.At first I thought that photographing my parents was going to be a challenge. Mostly because they've spent years directing me and now it was my turn. The real fun started to happen when they were willing to skip around. Getting a little loose and having fun makes all the difference. Their faces told me that they felt like kids again. The laughter was the best and I couldn't be more thrilled with how our time together and the images came together. My parents have been married for over 35 years. I love seeing them still laughing and having fun together. I'm also honored that they asked me to document them.

Think Again

So if you are still wondering if it's been too long and you shouldn't get photos or you think you are too old, well think again. You aren't! There is no better time than now and before it's too late. Let's capture your love and life together. Then do it again in a few years, because change happens. Get yourself an anniversary photographer and get it done!


Bridal Session | Columbia Gorge River


Instagram Workflow and Finding Inspiration | Oregon Photographer