Montana Anniversary Photographer | Below Bridgers

Montana Anniversary Photographer

I know that I talk about going back to Montana a lot on these blog posts. It is one of my all time favorite places to shoot a session. This is probably mostly because I'm in love with this state. I'm a Montana girl at heart and will always be one. I was born there. I moved away from it for the first time two years ago. Being a Montana anniversary photographer, will keep me connected with the state and the people that I love. There is just something about Montana's and their ability to sustain a life in the crazy weather. You never know what the weather will throw at you. To me, it kept us on our toes. I loved it and will always go back to this state.Having an excuse to photograph anniversaries, engagements, weddings or just because, makes it a million times better to go back. There is so much that this state has to offer and I haven't even come close to seeing it all. Let's go on a new adventure together to discover a new trail, waterfall, mountain lake or a new mountain and conquer a part of Montana together.

Bridger Mountains


This Montana anniversary photographer was not at all disappointed by this session. We went out in the full sun, yet I think we conquered that light. Nothing held these two back from being themselves and having fun. That's the best from my point of view. I love seeing my couples enjoying there session like it is a date. The best thing about shooting near Bozeman is that you can drive ten minutes in any direction and have an epic location. The Bridger Mountains didn't disappoint this day and it made it worth the sunglasses. To be honest, I think most people might be afraid to have sunglasses on in a session. It made this session soar and stand out. Don't be afraid to be you. Enjoy the accessories and things that make you who you are. Stand out.

This is them by Katie

Chris and I are high school sweethearts. This past spring marked 16 years of running around together.We were married 11 years ago under a tree in his parents yard that we now watch our children climb when we visit.Everyone in our hometown watched us exchange vows, and the party afterward went on until dawn as a hard rain soaked the newly sprouted wheat fields that surround that northern countryside. We know the odds are stacked against us, but we have a whole lot of history on our side. I hesitate to say we have grown up together, rather, we are growing up together.

It would be an untruth to say that we always frolic through life as carefree and happy as we appear in these lovely photos.We have to choose to work hard on a daily basis to preserve our partnership. Somewhere between parenting and careers, bills and vehicle maintenance, lawn upkeep and dentist appointments, we try to find time to reconnect, laugh, and set goals for our future. Don’t tell the marriage police, but we have gone to bed angry, and we don’t always fight fair.What do you expect from a fiery redhead and a stubborn Norwegian?

But where there is anger, there is passion. There are deep seeded roots, and a solid foundation that has endured many cold winters together.And as the grey flecks that have just started to pepper his reddish beard grow whiter with time, and the laugh lines around my eyes carve deeper grooves into my skin, I hope to be able to say with confidence that we worked hard for this. And that love is still winning out.

Montana anniversary photographer sessions are becoming a new favorite of mine. Let's get on it. Contact me now, here, to get something on the books. Let's make something epic.


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