Anniversary Photography | Young Love

I knew I needed to shoot them

When I first laid eyes on these two looking at each other from across the table, I knew that I wanted to get the chance to photograph them. I could see the young love that they had for each other and I wanted nothing more than to capture that love from behind my camera. I was bound and determined to connect with them and make an anniversary photography session happen. We need to keep the love alive and having all the times in our lives captured can help us stay connected as a couple. To be able to look back on that love for each other and hold it tight while watching it grow and flourish now, is a wonderful memory to have and to continue. Getting pictures only for your engagement session or wedding doesn't have to be a thing, let's work on keeping this tradition alive.

Anniversary Photography

We finally connected and set up a time and place for the session. I was beyond thrilled to run around the hillside at Rowena Crest in the lovely Columbia River Gorge with these two while we tried our darndest not to get blown away. Let's just say, the wind was blowing so hard that we made sure to keep our distance from the edge of the cliff. I didn't want to lose anyone or get blown off myself. We still had a great time and it was well worth the chilly hilltop.The best thing about the night was that we didn't end it there, we hopped in the car and headed for a local eatery. It was the best to spend more time with my clients and get to know them more. That is the whole reason why I started to do this in the first place. I wanted to connect with others. We also, warmed up and enjoyed a scenic drive home. Oh, did I mention that their little one was too cute not to throw him in for a picture or two?And I will leave you with a little something from these two themselves.

Noah & Lauren by Lauren

Noah always likes to tell it this way, “I went into the internship totally focused on singleness. I planned on growing my beard out long practicing the good ole ‘celibacy’. That’s when Lauren arrived (another one of the internees). I went up to introduce myself and leaving the exchange I thought to myself, 'singleness shouldn’t be too hard'”.

Tell it how he may, this is how it really went: he introduced himself and four days later he is proposing marriage.

These two always seem to be keeping each other on their toes and I think you all should take some time to meet them. If you are in the Columbia River Gorge area, head on over to The Dalles, Oregon. Go find The Riv Cafe to have a delicious cup of coffee and some food. You are sure to find at least one of them running around. They will sure brighten your day. I dare you.


Bozeman Couples Photographer | Kirk Hill


Hyalite Couples Session | Bozeman Anniversary Photographer